"The big news this summer was about the Higgs boson - but what is it and why does it matter?
This newest teaching resource from PI is designed to help you explore this question with your student.
The resource has a 30-minute video and many hands-on activities which make strong connections to the
curriculum from grade 9 models of the atom to key concepts in grade 12 physics such as fields,
conservation laws and relativity.
In the workshops, teachers will get a chance to try out the activities, ask questions and share
ideas with other teachers. Each teacher will each receive a copy of the resource package which will
include a video, hands-on activities, worksheets, and extra background information.
If you wish to attend an upcoming session, please email Roberta Tevlin
to reserve a spot and ensure that sufficient materials and enough snacks to serve at the start are available. If there is no workshop near you, let Roberta know and maybe something can be arranged.
Please pass this information on to the other physics teachers that you know and bring them along!"